All my tech

Stress / My future

Feb 22, 2024 - 19:00
I think this is the first time in my life I really feel pressure for my studies. I have 5 exams left, and I don't even know if I'm capable of doing all of them right.

Tomorrow we have Android, which is not that hard, but for some reason, I haven't been up to date with all the work we did in class. There are a lot of things to know, and as always, I left almost everything for the last day (ADDs will understand).

Next week, we have PSP on Monday, Business Management Systems on Friday, and Data Access on Wednesday. The last one is especially challenging for me. I need to do the final task, and it is a big one, but I haven't started yet. I don't like databases, oh my god, they are so boring. I just want to design cool websites, please.

I need to study more for PSP but it's doable. BMS’s easy, just a bit of Python. The last big exam is the SQL recovery exam on March 4th. As I said, I don't like databases, I just fall asleep every time I think about SQL (/s), but in order to go to work practices, I need to pass this exam too. It's not that hard, to be honest, the teacher cares about his students passing, so I just need to extract all the energy inside me and do my best.

I think I can at least pass PSP and BMS on the first try. Android and Data Access may need to wait for the final exams.

As I started saying, I for the first time really feel the pressure. I really want to finish this to go for the next chapter in my life. I need this, to be honest. I need to grow as a person, which I think I've done a lot lately, but not enough given my stage in life.

I'm really excited to work in something I like, to keep learning, and to be able to develop my own apps. I hope one day I can work as an independent developer working on my own projects. I really like that future.

I have dozens of cool ideas I want to do, which is very exciting. It's amazing to enjoy working hard on something, learning new things, and solving projects while having fun. It's something I want to do as living (not talking just about programming here, talking about working on something that makes you happy).

I think this career can be amazing for someone like me. There are a ton of technologies to learn, things to improve, projects to do, it never ends. I also see myself as a programming-related content creator. That would blend two things I like together, helping me to grow as a developer and content creator at the same time.

I should be studying Android right now, but I needed to write all of this (and probably more that's not even here), so I think it's time to wrap things up for today.

I really really want to finish this course and keep walking towards the future I want to have.

Thanks for reading all of that, fellow human, I wish you all the best!

Keep smiling : )

I'm learning react!

Jan 25, 2024 - 01:40

Today I started to learn React. Seems to be amazing. I think the last task we had ( were I changed this website a bit) made me like programming a bit more. I just love to see how my ideas become alive and do the things that i want. Btw the project i did is here: . Small but very helpfull to start my React learning journey. Very excited to keep learning, cant remeber the last time i felt like this hahaha. Well, time to got o bed. Beware of bats!!!

Website update

Jan 21, 2024 - 12:15

Hello everyone! I just updated this website. Now it is better for OLED thanks to its pure black background. The navbar gets collapsed to a burger menu when needed. Further improvements are in the works :).

The last sprint

Jan 16, 2024 - 21:30

We only have about 2 months or classes left. Im excited to learn and improve my developer skills. Going to a real bussines is exciting and a bit scary too, but is the first step into the real job market. I need to focus and spend my time well. I have all these ideas that i still cant to, i just need to start from what I now. See you coding , little cowboy :) .

About next week

Dec 10, 2023 - 16:45

Next week is full of exams. I honestly need to work a bit more but i think i can do it, I just need to focus and keep in mind my objective. I need to know all these things to be able to develop all the software i want.

Hello world!

Dec 10, 2023 - 12:00

Welcome to my new webpage. I wanted to make my own site to be able to express myself on a platform made by me. This blog will be my way to talk with myself about my learning journey, my thoughts, ideas...